Dr. Ahmed Kamal Ahmed Makhlo Dr. Ahmed Kamal Ahmed Makhlo

Dr. Ahmed Kamal Ahmed Makhlo

  • Critical Care Consultant | Head of Department
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“Dr. Ahmed Kamal Ahmed Makhlo” Locations

About “Dr. Ahmed Kamal Ahmed Makhlo”

Critical care registrar. Responsibilities include care of patients in the intensive care unit, percutaneous tracheostomy,
Bronchoscopy, Chest US, FAST US abdomen and bedside Echo FAST
Specialized in liver transplant surgery. Responsibilities include the care of postoperative patients in the surgical ICU.
Resident in the Stroke unit.
Primary care physician.
House officer- rotating interns
US-guided central venous line insertion
Arterial line
Bronchoscopy-guided tracheostomy
US-guided pleural tapping
US-guided ascetic fluid tap

“Dr. Ahmed Kamal Ahmed Makhlo” Answers

No online consultation.


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