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Plastic surgery offer offer

Take control of your body and your life with our life-changing plastic surgery

Best Offer For Comprehensive Plastic Surgery Services

Experience the difference with our comprehensive plastic surgery services

Welcome to the Saudi German Hospital in Dubai, where we specialize in plastic, cosmetic, reconstructive surgery, and regenerative medicine. Our team of experienced and highly trained surgeons and medical professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care and the most advanced techniques and treatments available. As a leading provider of plastic surgery services in Dubai, we offer a wide range of procedures, such as breast augmentation, tummy tucks, liposuction, and facelifts, designed to enhance your natural beauty and help you achieve the look you desire. Our surgeons are experts in their field and have performed thousands of successful procedures.

Aesthetic Packages and Solutions: Ajman Cosmetic Surgery

Aesthetic/Cosmetic Surgery & Procedures

Threats (Minimal-invasive Skin procedures), Liposuction, Lipofilling (fat transfer), Cosmetic Surgery

Aesthetic Packages and Solutions: Ajman Cosmetic Surgery

Body Contouring after massive weight loss

Bariplastic surgery to help patients suffering from excess skin and fat after massive weight loss quickly and comprehensively

Aesthetic Packages and Solutions: Ajman Cosmetic Surgery

Breast Surgery

Mastectomy, lumpectomy, breast reconstruction, breast reduction, breast augmentation.

Aesthetic Packages and Solutions: Ajman Cosmetic Surgery

Male breast Surgery

Reconstruction of breast shape (Gynecomastia), Sagging breasts after massive weight loss, breast augmentation, and breast reduction.

Aesthetic Packages and Solutions: Ajman Cosmetic Surgery

Scar Centre

Surgical Scars, Keloid, Acne scar, Stretchmarks, Scar Coverage treatment, Scar coping treatment (Mental Support)

Aesthetic Packages and Solutions: Ajman Cosmetic Surgery

Reconstructive Surgery & Regenerative Medicine

Congenital malformations, Chronic/ Problem Wounds, Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Our Doctors

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for plastic surgery?
Whether or not you are a good candidate for plastic surgery depends on a variety of factors, including your overall health, your specific concerns or goals, and your expectations for the outcome of the procedure. During a consultation, a plastic surgeon will evaluate these factors and help determine whether or not plastic surgery is right for you.
What are the risks and potential complications associated with plastic surgery
Like any surgery, plastic surgery comes with risks and potential complications, which can vary depending on the type of procedure. Some common risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you during a consultation and explain how they can be minimized.
How do I choose the right plastic surgeon for me?
Choosing the right plastic surgeon is an important decision that requires research and careful consideration. Look for a surgeon who is board-certified in plastic surgery, has experience in the specific procedure you’re interested in, and who makes you feel comfortable and confident during your consultation. You may also want to read reviews from previous patients and ask to see before-and-after photos of the surgeon’s work.
Are there any non-surgical alternatives to plastic surgery?

Yes, there are many non-surgical alternatives to plastic surgery that can help improve the appearance of the face and body. These include injectable treatments like Botox and fillers, as well as non-invasive procedures like laser skin resurfacing, CoolSculpting, and Ultherapy. Non-surgical treatments may be a good option for people who want to see improvements in their appearance but don’t want to undergo surgery.

How do I prepare for plastic surgery?

Preparing for plastic surgery typically involves a few key steps. First, you will need to have a consultation with your plastic surgeon to discuss the specifics of the procedure and what to expect before, during, and after surgery. You may need to make certain lifestyle changes in the weeks leading up to your surgery, such as quitting smoking or adjusting your medication regimen. You will also need to avoid certain foods and medications that could increase your risk of bleeding or interfere with anesthesia. Finally, you will need to arrange for transportation to and from the surgery center and have someone available to help you during your recovery period. Your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions for how to prepare for your specific procedure.