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Welcome to the Pulmonology (respiratory or Chest) department at Saudi German hospital, Dubai. Our dedicated team of experts is devoted to providing exceptional patient care and ensuring a positive hospital experience. Our scope of services consists of a wide range of specialized treatments for lung and breathing conditions, utilising the modern day technology and techniques. we strive to provide unique and environmentally friendly services, while preserving the best quality standards. we are committed to enhancing the health and well-being of our patients and the community.



Sleep Lab

Allergy assessment Service

If you have any more questions or would like to learn more about our services, please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated Pulmonology department at Saudi German Hospital in Dubai. We are here to provide exceptional care and support for all your respiratory needs.

Our Doctors


Pulmonology is the medical specialty focused on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the respiratory system, including the lungs and chest. Our Pulmonology department specializes in treating a range of conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), chronic cough evaluation, interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary infections, pulmonary vascular diseases, and sleep disorders.
If you experience symptoms like shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, or chest tightness, you might have asthma. Our skilled experts can conduct thorough evaluations and tests to diagnose asthma accurately. For those with difficult-to-treat asthma, we offer specialized treatment plans tailored to individual needs, incorporating advanced techniques and technology to ensure effective management.
Our Sleep Lab is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to diagnose and treat sleep disorders. We provide a range of services including full polysomnography, titration studies with CPAP/BiPAP machines, and the multiple sleep latency test. These assessments help diagnose sleep-related issues such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and other disorders, enabling us to create personalized treatment strategies for improved sleep quality and overall well-being.
Interstitial lung diseases are a group of disorders affecting the lung tissue and causing breathing difficulties. Our experts employ advanced techniques such as pulmonary function tests, diffusion capacity testing, and imaging studies to accurately diagnose interstitial lung diseases. Once diagnosed, we develop comprehensive treatment plans that may involve medications, lifestyle modifications, and therapies to manage symptoms and enhance lung function.
Our Allergy Assessment Service aims to identify allergens that may contribute to respiratory issues. We offer both skin allergen testing and blood allergen testing to pinpoint specific allergens triggering symptoms. This information enables us to create personalized management strategies that may include allergen avoidance measures, medications, and other interventions to alleviate allergies and improve respiratory health.