Experienced Bariatric Surgery Doctors: Weight Loss Specialists

Bariatric Surgery

Types & Risks Associated with Bariatic Surgery

Types of Weight Loss Surgery

The choices available for your bariatric surgery range from permanent to fully reversible, so it is important to understand what would be your best option.
  • Gastric sleeve surgery, also called sleeve gastrectomy, is a surgical procedure that removes approximately 80% of the stomach, transforming it into a gastric sleeve or tube, which significantly reduces how much food you can eat. It is a permanent procedure that can help you quickly lose weight and maintain the results.
  • Gastric bypass surgery, also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, is a procedure that creates a small pouch from the stomach that attaches directly to the small intestines, bypassing the larger portion of the stomach. A gastric bypass reduces your ability to absorb food, which results in effective weight loss. Like gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass is irreversible.
  • Mini gastric bypass is a modified type of gastric bypass surgery and also creates a small pouch. However, it is less invasive than a gastric bypass and is reversible.
  • Gastric balloon, also referred to as a stomach balloon or weight loss balloon, is a non-surgical weight loss option for those who are struggling with obesity but cannot undergo surgery. A soft weight loss balloon is inserted into your stomach using an endoscope and then filled with saline. The stomach balloon greatly reduces your appetite, helping you reduce your food consumption and adopt new eating habits. Once you reach your target weight, the gastric balloon is removed.

Risks of Bariatric surgery

Weight loss surgery has been carefully studied and repeatedly found to be safe and effective. However, no surgery or procedure is entirely free of risk. Some risks associated with bariatric surgery include:
  • Infection
  • Acid reflux
  • Ulcers
Choosing an experienced bariatric surgery specialist can reduce these risks.