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7 minor adjustments impacting general surgery

7 Little Changes That Will Make A Big Difference With General Surgery

General surgery is a complex medical field that involves performing surgical procedures on different parts of the body. Whether the surgery is elective or necessary, patients can take small steps to prepare themselves for general surgery that can make a significant difference in their overall experience and outcome. In this blog, we will explore 7 little changes that patients can make that will greatly impact their general surgery.

Follow Pre-Operative Instructions

The pre-operative period is crucial for preparing the body for surgery. Following the pre-operative instructions provided by the surgeon is essential to minimizing the risk of complications during and after the surgery. These instructions may include fasting before the surgery, avoiding certain medications, and stopping smoking. These measures are crucial to ensuring that the body is ready for surgery.

Be Honest About Medical History

Patients must be transparent about their medical history, including any past surgeries and current medications, to help the surgeon make informed decisions about the surgical procedure and anesthesia. Certain medications and medical conditions may require special considerations during surgery, and the surgeon needs to be aware of these potential risks to avoid complications during the operation.

Ask Questions

Patients may have a lot of questions and concerns about their surgical procedure, such as the risks, benefits, and expected outcomes. It is essential to ask these questions to alleviate anxiety and have a clear understanding of what to expect before, during, and after the surgery. Surgeons should provide patients with clear and concise answers to help them prepare for the procedure.

Practice Good Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is crucial to reducing the risk of infection after surgery. Patients should bathe with an antimicrobial soap before the surgery and follow their surgeon’s instructions for wound care after the surgery. Proper hygiene practices can help prevent infections and promote faster healing.

Stay Active

Staying physically active before surgery can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of complications. Patients should discuss with their surgeon what types of physical activity are safe for them to engage in before the surgery. Engaging in regular physical activity before surgery can help improve the patient’s cardiovascular health and make the recovery process easier.

Follow Post-Operative Instructions

Post-operative care is just as important as pre-operative care. Patients should carefully follow their surgeon’s post-operative instructions, including taking medications as prescribed, resting, and avoiding certain activities. Following these instructions is crucial for promoting healing and reducing the risk of complications.

Attend Follow-Up Appointments

Follow-up appointments are essential for monitoring the patient’s progress and identifying any potential complications. Patients should attend all scheduled follow-up appointments and communicate any concerns or questions they may have with their surgeon. Regular follow-up appointments are crucial for ensuring that the patient is healing correctly and receiving the appropriate care.


General surgery is a complex and demanding medical field, and patients can take small steps to prepare themselves for the surgical procedure to achieve better outcomes. Following pre-operative and post-operative instructions, being honest about medical history, asking questions, practicing good hygiene, staying active, and attending follow-up appointments can help patients improve their chances of having a successful surgery and recovery.

Patients should discuss any concerns or questions they may have with their surgeons to ensure that they are fully prepared for the surgical procedure. By making these little changes, patients can have a big impact on their general surgery experience and recovery.

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