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Otolaryngology (ENT)

ENT Specialist in Sharjah

Welcome to the Saudi German Hospital's Department of Otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat-ENT)! Our ENT department is filled with a team of highly skilled and internationally qualified ENT doctors and staff dedicated to providing you with the best possible otolaryngology care for all your ear, nose, and throat (ENT) needs.
Otolaryngology (ENT) Doctors

We offer a wide range of ENT services including :

  • Nasal and sinus surgery: We specialize in a spectrum of treatments including endoscopic sinus surgery, traditional nasal surgery, and rhinoplasty for nasal fractures and foreign bodies.
  • Audiometry: Using state-of-the-art technology, our ear doctors diagnose and treat hearing loss, ensuring that auditory concerns are attended to with the utmost precision.
  • Laryngeal and pharyngeal care: Employing state-of-the-art equipment, our ear nose and throat doctors skillfully identify and manage a variety of conditions. From; vocal cord disorders, and voice changes, to benign and malignant tumors of the larynx. Our otolaryngology specialists also offer microscope-assisted techniques and flexible laryngoscopy for accurate diagnosis.
  • Sleep medicine: Equipped with cutting-edge technology, we excel in the diagnosis and remediation of issues such as snoring and sleep disturbances. Our comprehensive approach includes sleep laboratories and surgical interventions employing coblation technology.
We take immense pride in our track record of effectively managing even the most intricate ENT cases. Our unwavering commitment is to provide our patients with the highest caliber of care and treatment available.

ENT Services at Saudi German Hospital Sharjah

At Saudi German Hospital Sharjah, we’re proud to provide a complete range of otolaryngology (ENT) services, delivered by a team of highly skilled and experienced ENT professionals. Our commitment to patient care, advanced diagnostics, and state-of-the-art treatments ensures that we offer the highest quality care for a wide array of ear, nose, and throat conditions. Here is an in-depth look at the services we provide:

Services Offered at our ENT Department

Nasal and Sinus Services:

  • Endoscopic sinus surgery: This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat numerous sinus-associated conditions such as chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, and sinus blockages. It involves the use of an endoscope, a thin tube with a digital camera, to visualize and remove blockages, polyps, or damaged tissue in the sinus cavities. Endoscopic sinus surgery aims to improve sinus drainage, reduce infection, and alleviate symptoms like facial pain, congestion, and ordinary infections.
  • Traditional Nasal Surgery: Traditional nasal surgery refers to surgical procedures performed at the nose that do not involve endoscopic procedures. These surgical procedures can address issues like deviated septum correction, nasal valve collapse repair, and cosmetic nose reshaping (rhinoplasty). Traditional nasal surgery may be necessary for complex cases or when a more extensive intervention is required.
  • Rhinoplasty for Nasal Fractures and Foreign Bodies: Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to reshape and reconstruct the nose. When used to deal with nasal fractures, it involves correcting any deformities or misalignments resulting from a traumatic injury. In cases involving foreign bodies in the nose, rhinoplasty may be used to safely take away foreign bodies and repair any associated damage, restoring normal nasal function and aesthetics.

Audiometry Services:

This focuses on the prognosis and treatment of hearing and balance disorders. Here are the services provided:
  • Diagnosis of Hearing Loss: Audiologists use specialized equipment to assess a person’s hearing skills. This often includes audiometric tests that measure the extent and type of hearing loss. The results help in identifying the underlying causes of hearing impairment, whether it’s because of age-associated factors, noise exposure, or other medical conditions.
  • Treatment of Hearing Loss: Depending on the type and severity of hearing loss, treatment options may vary. They can include hearing aids, cochlear implants, assistive listening devices, and rehabilitation strategies to help people manage and improve their hearing abilities.

Larynx and Pharynx Services:

  • Diagnosis of Vocal Cord Disorders: Contemporary equipment, such as flexible laryngoscopy and microscopy techniques, enables precise examination of the larynx and vocal cords. This allows for the early detection and diagnosis of conditions that have an effect on voice quality and function, such as vocal cord nodules, polyps, and paralysis.
  • Treatment of Benign and Malignant Tumors in the Larynx: Advanced diagnostic tools and surgical techniques are employed to identify and treat each benign and malignant tumor in the larynx and pharynx. Treatment options may include surgical procedures, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, depending on the nature and stage of the tumor.

Sleep Medicine Services:

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Snoring: Snoring may be a sign of underlying sleep-associated issues, such as sleep apnea. Sleep medicine specialists use various diagnostic equipment, including sleep studies conducted in sleep labs, to assess the severity and reasons for snoring. Once recognized, treatment options may consist of lifestyle modifications, continuous effective airway stress (CPAP) therapy, or surgical procedures by coblation.
  • Treatment of Sleep Disturbances: Sleep disturbances encompass a range of problems, including insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and parasomnias. Sleep medicine practitioners utilize the latest technology to diagnose these conditions correctly. Treatment strategies may encompass behavioural therapies, medical management, and lifestyle changes to improve sleep quality and overall well-being.

Pediatric ENT services

  • Recurrent Ear Infections: Children are more susceptible to ear infections due to the anatomy in their Eustachian tubes, which are shorter and more horizontal than in adults. Pediatric ENT specialists trained to diagnose and manage recurrent ear infections, also known as otitis media. Treatment may include antibiotics, ear tube placement (tympanostomy tubes), or surgical intervention to prevent recurrent infections.
  • Adenoid and Tonsil Issues: Enlarged adenoids and tonsils are common problems in pediatric patients. These conditions can lead to problems such as sleep apnea, snoring persistent throat infections, and respiratory problems. Pediatric ENT specialists assess the dimensions and function of these systems and recommend appropriate treatments that can range from watchful waiting to surgical removal (adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy) while being essential
In precision, these medical services cover a vast spectrum of conditions related to the nasal and sinus passages, hearing, vocal cord health, and sleep disorders. They use state-of-the-art techniques and equipment to diagnose, manage, and treat a wide array of medical problems within those areas of expertise.

Frequently Ask Questions:

When can I see an ENT specialist?

When can I see an ENT specialist?

You should consider consulting an ENT specialist if you experience:
  • Chronic or recurrent ear, nose, or throat symptoms: If you frequently experience problems like ear infections, nasal congestion, or a sore throat that won’t leave, it’s essential to seek medical assessment to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.
  • Hearing loss or balance issues: Any decrease in hearing abilities or persistent balance issues should be promptly assessed by an audiologist or ENT specialist to identify the cause and discover potential hearing aids or interventions.
  • Difficulty breathing through your nose: If you have ongoing nasal congestion or difficulty breathing via your nose, an ENT specialist can diagnose the cause, which may range from allergies to structural problems, and recommend appropriate treatments.
  • Chronic snoring or sleep disturbances: consistent snoring or sleep disturbances can be signs of sleep apnea or different sleep issues. Evaluation by a sleep medication specialist can result in powerful interventions to improve sleep quality.
  • Persistent sore throat or hoarseness: A sore throat or hoarseness that lasts for an extended period could indicate an underlying trouble, such as vocal cord problems or throat conditions, which may require an exam and treatment.
  • Swallowing difficulties: Difficulty swallowing, known as dysphagia, may result from various reasons, consisting of structural abnormalities or neurological conditions. An evaluation by an ENT specialist can help diagnose and manage the problem.
  • Suspected allergies or sinusitis: If you suspect allergies or sinusitis because of symptoms like congestion, facial aches, or recurrent sinus infections, consultation with an ENT specialist can lead to a proper diagnosis and treatment, which may include medications or surgical options.
  • Head and neck lumps or masses: Any unusual lumps or masses within the head and neck area must be assessed by an ENT specialist to rule out serious conditions, such as tumors, and determine the appropriate path of action.
  • Pediatric ENT issues: children with ear, nose, or throat troubles, such as recurrent ear infections, tonsil issues, or congenital listening disorders, ought to get specialized care from a pediatric ENT expert who’s experienced in addressing the unique desires of younger sufferers.
In all these cases, seeking medical attention early is crucial, as it should diagnose the issue and allow you to receive timely treatment or control, ensuring the best possible outcome for your particular disease. Early consultation can lead to timely intervention and better outcomes for many ENT conditions.
Consult with your nearest ENT doctor!

Consult with your nearest ENT doctor!

Your well-being is our priority. If you are experiencing any ear, nose, or throat concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to our ENT specialists at Saudi German Hospital Sharjah. Schedule a consultation today, and let us provide you with the expert care and personalized treatment you deserve. Your journey to better health starts here.
For more information or to book an appointment, feel free to get in touch with us!

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ENT Specialist in Sharjah

Welcome to the Saudi German Hospital's Department of Otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat-ENT)! Our ENT department is filled with a team of highly skilled and internationally qualified ENT doctors and staff dedicated to providing you with the best possible otolaryngology care for all your ear, nose, and throat (ENT) needs. We offer a wide range of ENT services, including:
  • Nasal and sinus surgery: We specialize in a spectrum of treatments including endoscopic sinus surgery, traditional nasal surgery, and rhinoplasty for nasal fractures and foreign bodies.
  • Audiometry: Using state-of-the-art technology, our ear doctors diagnose and treat hearing loss, ensuring that auditory concerns are attended to with the utmost precision.
  • Laryngeal and pharyngeal care: Employing state-of-the-art equipment, our ear nose and throat doctors skillfully identify and manage a variety of conditions. From; vocal cord disorders, and voice changes, to benign and malignant tumors of the larynx. Our otolaryngology specialists also offer microscope-assisted techniques and flexible laryngoscopy for accurate diagnosis.
  • Sleep medicine: Equipped with cutting-edge technology, we excel in the diagnosis and remediation of issues such as snoring and sleep disturbances. Our comprehensive approach includes sleep laboratories and surgical interventions employing coblation technology.
We take immense pride in our track record of effectively managing even the most intricate ENT cases. Our unwavering commitment is to provide our patients with the highest caliber of care and treatment available.

ENT Services at Saudi German Hospital Sharjah

At Saudi German Hospital Sharjah, we're proud to provide a complete range of otolaryngology (ENT) services, delivered by a team of highly skilled and experienced ENT professionals. Our commitment to patient care, advanced diagnostics, and state-of-the-art treatments ensures that we offer the highest quality care for a wide array of ear, nose, and throat conditions. Here is an in-depth look at the services we provide:

Services Offered at our ENT Department


Nasal and Sinus Services:

  • Endoscopic sinus surgery: This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat numerous sinus-associated conditions such as chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, and sinus blockages. It involves the use of an endoscope, a thin tube with a digital camera, to visualize and remove blockages, polyps, or damaged tissue in the sinus cavities. Endoscopic sinus surgery aims to improve sinus drainage, reduce infection, and alleviate symptoms like facial pain, congestion, and ordinary infections.
  • Traditional Nasal Surgery: Traditional nasal surgery refers to surgical procedures performed at the nose that do not involve endoscopic procedures. These surgical procedures can address issues like deviated septum correction, nasal valve collapse repair, and cosmetic nose reshaping (rhinoplasty). Traditional nasal surgery may be necessary for complex cases or when a more extensive intervention is required.
  • Rhinoplasty for Nasal Fractures and Foreign Bodies: Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to reshape and reconstruct the nose. When used to deal with nasal fractures, it involves correcting any deformities or misalignments resulting from a traumatic injury. In cases involving foreign bodies in the nose, rhinoplasty may be used to safely take away foreign bodies and repair any associated damage, restoring normal nasal function and aesthetics.

Audiometry Services:

This focuses on the prognosis and treatment of hearing and balance disorders. Here are the services provided:
  • Diagnosis of Hearing Loss: Audiologists use specialized equipment to assess a person's hearing skills. This often includes audiometric tests that measure the extent and type of hearing loss. The results help in identifying the underlying causes of hearing impairment, whether it's because of age-associated factors, noise exposure, or other medical conditions.
  • Treatment of Hearing Loss: Depending on the type and severity of hearing loss, treatment options may vary. They can include hearing aids, cochlear implants, assistive listening devices, and rehabilitation strategies to help people manage and improve their hearing abilities.

Larynx and Pharynx Services:

  • Diagnosis of Vocal Cord Disorders: Contemporary equipment, such as flexible laryngoscopy and microscopy techniques, enables precise examination of the larynx and vocal cords. This allows for the early detection and diagnosis of conditions that have an effect on voice quality and function, such as vocal cord nodules, polyps, and paralysis.
  • Treatment of Benign and Malignant Tumors in the Larynx: Advanced diagnostic tools and surgical techniques are employed to identify and treat each benign and malignant tumor in the larynx and pharynx. Treatment options may include surgical procedures, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, depending on the nature and stage of the tumor.

Sleep Medicine Services:

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Snoring: Snoring may be a sign of underlying sleep-associated issues, such as sleep apnea. Sleep medicine specialists use various diagnostic equipment, including sleep studies conducted in sleep labs, to assess the severity and reasons for snoring. Once recognized, treatment options may consist of lifestyle modifications, continuous effective airway stress (CPAP) therapy, or surgical procedures by coblation.
  • Treatment of Sleep Disturbances: Sleep disturbances encompass a range of problems, including insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and parasomnias. Sleep medicine practitioners utilize the latest technology to diagnose these conditions correctly. Treatment strategies may encompass behavioural therapies, medical management, and lifestyle changes to improve sleep quality and overall well-being.

Pediatric ENT services

  • Recurrent Ear Infections: Children are more susceptible to ear infections due to the anatomy in their Eustachian tubes, which are shorter and more horizontal than in adults. Pediatric ENT specialists trained to diagnose and manage recurrent ear infections, also known as otitis media. Treatment may include antibiotics, ear tube placement (tympanostomy tubes), or surgical intervention to prevent recurrent infections.
  • Adenoid and Tonsil Issues: Enlarged adenoids and tonsils are common problems in pediatric patients. These conditions can lead to problems such as sleep apnea, snoring persistent throat infections, and respiratory problems. Pediatric ENT specialists assess the dimensions and function of these systems and recommend appropriate treatments that can range from watchful waiting to surgical removal (adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy) while being essential
In precision, these medical services cover a vast spectrum of conditions related to the nasal and sinus passages, hearing, vocal cord health, and sleep disorders. They use state-of-the-art techniques and equipment to diagnose, manage, and treat a wide array of medical problems within those areas of expertise.
When can I see an ENT specialist?

When can I see an ENT specialist?

You should consider consulting an ENT specialist if you experience:
  • Chronic or recurrent ear, nose, or throat symptoms: If you frequently experience problems like ear infections, nasal congestion, or a sore throat that won’t leave, it’s essential to seek medical assessment to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.
  • Hearing loss or balance issues: Any decrease in hearing abilities or persistent balance issues should be promptly assessed by an audiologist or ENT specialist to identify the cause and discover potential hearing aids or interventions.
  • Difficulty breathing through your nose: If you have ongoing nasal congestion or difficulty breathing via your nose, an ENT specialist can diagnose the cause, which may range from allergies to structural problems, and recommend appropriate treatments.
  • Chronic snoring or sleep disturbances: consistent snoring or sleep disturbances can be signs of sleep apnea or different sleep issues. Evaluation by a sleep medication specialist can result in powerful interventions to improve sleep quality.
  • Persistent sore throat or hoarseness: A sore throat or hoarseness that lasts for an extended period could indicate an underlying trouble, such as vocal cord problems or throat conditions, which may require an exam and treatment.
  • Swallowing difficulties: Difficulty swallowing, known as dysphagia, may result from various reasons, consisting of structural abnormalities or neurological conditions. An evaluation by an ENT specialist can help diagnose and manage the problem.
  • Suspected allergies or sinusitis: If you suspect allergies or sinusitis because of symptoms like congestion, facial aches, or recurrent sinus infections, consultation with an ENT specialist can lead to a proper diagnosis and treatment, which may include medications or surgical options.
  • Head and neck lumps or masses: Any unusual lumps or masses within the head and neck area must be assessed by an ENT specialist to rule out serious conditions, such as tumors, and determine the appropriate path of action.
  • Pediatric ENT issues: children with ear, nose, or throat troubles, such as recurrent ear infections, tonsil issues, or congenital listening disorders, ought to get specialized care from a pediatric ENT expert who’s experienced in addressing the unique desires of younger sufferers.
In all these cases, seeking medical attention early is crucial, as it should diagnose the issue and allow you to receive timely treatment or control, ensuring the best possible outcome for your particular disease. Early consultation can lead to timely intervention and better outcomes for many ENT conditions.
Consult with your nearest ENT doctor!

Consult with your nearest ENT doctor!

Your well-being is our priority. If you are experiencing any ear, nose, or throat concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to our ENT specialists at Saudi German Hospital Sharjah. Schedule a consultation today, and let us provide you with the expert care and personalized treatment you deserve. Your journey to better health starts here.

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