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Common Misconceptions About Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Misconceptions About Breast Reconstruction

Surgery is typically used to treat breast cancer; two surgical options are available at the time of diagnosis. The lump can either be removed through a lumpectomy or treated by radiotherapy. However, breast cancer patients must carefully explore their treatment options or even aesthetic surgeries after breast reconstruction.

Fortunately, there are options available to individuals for breast reconstruction. There is no one-size-fits-all method, so patients should thoroughly review their alternatives with their doctor. Following a surgery to combat or cure breast cancer, breast reconstruction surgery helps many women restore the shape as well as the size of their breasts while increasing their confidence.

The cosmetic surgeon performs breast reconstruction as the second stage to restore the breast. Therefore, breast reconstruction frequently occurs concurrently with (also known as immediate reconstruction) or shortly after amputation and, in some circumstances, surgical removal.

Breast reconstruction may also be performed many times after a resection or lumpectomy. During reconstruction, a cosmetic surgeon uses a silicone gel prosthesis, a strip of tissue out of another area of your body (often the abdomen), or a combination of the two to replicate the contour of your breasts.Although it is undoubtedly everyone’s right to decide whether or not breast augmentation is the right choice for them, below are some misconceptions about breast reconstruction surgery that might help you clear your doubts.

Misconceptions About Breast Reconstruction Surgery

any myths surround breast reconstruction, such as the misconception that it is merely a cosmetic treatment or that a woman’s previous surgical experience disqualifies her as a candidate. Many of these lies, the duo claims, may be discouraging women from having potentially beneficial surgery. Certain myths around breast cancer reconstruction can dispel;

  • After the hysterectomy, it will need to wait months before undergoing another procedure for reconstruction.
  • Implants are unpleasant and unnatural-looking.
  • If someone had or may need radiation and chemotherapy, they cannot have reconstruction.

Key Takeaway

Although any cosmetic surgeon can do breast reconstruction, when selecting the best method for breast reconstruction after cancer removal, there are numerous things to consider. It is advisable to use proper techniques.

Being told they suffer breast cancer is a very emotional situation, as well as numerous things you need to consider regarding your treatments. The main objective is survival, although there are ways to keep their femininity after the surgery, which is frequently a significant issue for women upon diagnosis.

Preparing a patient’s care and continuous management involves a “multidisciplinary collaboration” approach, which brings together a variety of doctors with different specialties. This guarantees that the patient’s needs will be considered in a proper way.

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