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Knee Replacements

Total Knee Replacement Surgery:

Total Knee Replacement Surgery is also known as Total Knee Arthroplasty. This surgery is performed in a situation where the patient’s knee has been severely destructed, followed by excruciating pain and the daily life activities of the patient are being severely affected due to knee joint’s impaired function.

Causes for Knee Replacement Surgery:

The most common and known reason for Knee Pain and disability is Arthritis. However, there are mainly 3 types of arthritis that are responsible for knee pain and damage eventually leading to a surgery. These Include:

  • Osteoarthritis: This is an age-related arthritis and usually occurs in people above the age of 50 years but may occur in younger people too. The cartilage that cushions the bones of the knee softens and wears away. The bones then rub against one another, causing knee pain and stiffness.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: The synovial membrane that surrounds the joint becomes inflamed and thickened in this disease. The chronic inflammation can damage the cartilage eventually causing cartilage loss, pain, and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common form of a group of disorders termed “inflammatory arthritis.”
  • Post-traumatic arthritis: Fractures of the bones surrounding the knee or tears of the knee ligaments may damage the articular cartilage over time, causing knee pain and limiting knee function

Procedure for the Total Knee Replacement Surgery:

A knee replacement surgery is recommended when all other non-surgical treatments like medications, physical therapies, or walking support instruments are no longer being helpful. Joint Replacement Surgery is the safest and effective procedure to relieve pain, and improve joint deformities. However, during the surgical process for knee replacement, the patient will either be given a general or a spinal anaesthesia depending upon the patient’s choice and comfort. Intravenous antibiotics will be regulated before and after the surgery to help prevent post-surgical infections. The orthopaedic surgeon will make an incision into the tissue to have access to the kneecap (patella) and quadriceps situated at the top of the upper leg. The damaged cartilage surfaces at the ends of the femur and tibia are removed and the damaged cartilage and bone are then replaced with metal components that recreate the surface of the joint, kneecap is lacerated, and a medical-grade plastic spacer is inserted between the metal components. After the installation, the incisions are repaired and stitched.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery at Saudi German Hospital:

There are a variety of options for a total knee replacement surgery, but our specialist orthopaedic surgeons and the Saudi German Hospital chooses minimally invasive surgical procedure as in this technique there is no cutting of muscles and tendons hence, ensuring optimal results and quick recovery.

Post-Surgery Guidelines:

After a knee replacement surgery, you will be advised to stay in the hospital for a couple of days or you may be allowed to discharge from the hospital at the same day depending upon the availability of required facilities at your home. To avoid blood clotting and swelling, you will be encouraged to move your food and ankle so that the blood flow towards the leg muscles is enhanced. Furthermore, you will be given blood thinning medications to further protect swelling and blood clotting. In addition to it, you will also be advised to wear compression boots or support hose. A physical therapist will also assist you on how to exercise the new knee. However, you will be able to resume your daily life activities after 4-6 weeks post-surgery.

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