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Minor Oral Surgical Procedures

Minor Oral Surgery is a procedure performed by specialized and trained oral surgeons or dentists to treat dental problems like removal of retained or buried roots, broken teeth, wisdom teeth, and cysts of the upper and lower jaw. It also includes apical surgery and removal of small soft tissue lesions like mucocele, ranula, high labial or lingual frenum, etc in the mouth.

What are the various types of Minor Oral Surgical Procedures?

There are different types of Minor Oral Surgical Procedures. These Include:

  • Tooth Extraction: The procedure of tooth extraction is performed when a tooth is completely damaged beyond repair and extracting it is the only option left. Teeth may also need to be extracted before orthodontic treatment in order to create space to straighten teeth.
  • Wisdom Teeth Removal: If a wisdom tooth has grown in the wrong place and is causing problems like pain, trouble in cleaning, improper impaction, or eruption the tooth might need to be removed through a surgical process or a small incision in some cases to create space and gain better access to remove the tooth.
  • Apicetomy: This is a surgical procedure to place a filling at the end of a root-filled tooth root to remove any infection and promote healing in the tooth and surrounding tissues.
  • Dental Implant Treatment: A dental implant involves the titanium post embedded into the jawbone to support one or numerous artificial teeth or all your teeth’ safety.
  • Gum Surgery: When the condition of the gum/gums is getting deteriorated and ordinary scaling and cleaning are no longer being beneficial a more comprehensive gum surgery procedure may be indicated. This will involve the incision of gum tissue so that the roots and the deeper areas of the bone may be accessed, and it can include grafting of bone and soft tissue.
  • Jaw Surgery: This procedure is performed by a highly specialized specialist such as an oromaxillofacial surgeon as this procedure is severely critical and complicated. Jaw surgery may be indicated to address a fracture by an incident or an injury to correct an orthodontic anomaly.
  • Surgical Treatment of Clefts: When the structures of the mouth did not develop and fuse as they should, clefts are formed. A cleft may be corrected by a series of surgical treatments, and they are performed by highly skilled oral surgeons.

What are the advantages of Minor Oral Surgery?

The advantages of Minor Oral Surgical Procedures involve:

Fixing Facial Trauma– includes correcting minor to complex skin tears, setting fractured jaw and facial bones, reconnecting detached nerves, and remedying other injuries. This often involves treating the oral tissues, jaws, cheeks and nasal bones, eye sockets, and forehead.
Providing Reconstructive and Cosmetic Enhancements – can correct jaw, facial bone, and soft tissue issues that have developed due to trauma or the removal of cysts or tumours. These surgeries restore form and function to the maxillofacial area.
Alleviating Facial, Dental, or Oral Pain- may include diagnosing and treating facial discomfort disorders such as TMJ issues. When non-surgical treatment has not been enough for easing pain or there is joint damage, treatment with oral surgery is often recommended.
Correcting Jaw Injuries or Misalignment– focuses on treating minor to significant skeletal and dental jaw irregularities to improve chewing, speaking, and breathing. Oral surgery can also correct hereditary disabilities of the face and skull, such as cleft lip and cleft palate.

At SGH, oral surgical procedures are performed by ‘’dentists with a special interest and experience in oral surgery. They are highly dedicated and well-learned in their field. We have highly trained staff to support the patients through the process. Our motto is to provide our patients with the best of everything.

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